West Plains Guest Column: Trustworthiness

Trustworthy is the PACE character trait for April.  As a former school counselor and now teacher I’ve learned a lot about trustworthiness, working with students and families.  To be Trustworthy means to be someone that others can trust and count on to be reliable. …

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Guest Column: Trustworthiness

Growing up in a big family has had a huge impact on me and who I have become. In my family, there seven of us living in a four-bedroom house, and I am one of the five kids in my house,…

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Guest Column: Diligence

 In life, rarely is anything worth having easily or immediately achieved. Sure, you may experience an immediate reward from time to time—winning the lottery is the obvious example here—but you did not do much, if anything, to earn that reward….

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Valley Guest Column: Diligence

Diligence is defined as persistence, dedication, and hard work. Some may say these qualities are deep-rooted within individuals while others say they are acquired. It is my experience that they are both. People throughout our lives influence the paths we choose through their actions….

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