Guest Column: Diligence

To be consistent at anything in life, the characteristic of diligence must be present! To care and act as such, one must have diligence at a foundational level. This characteristic has multiple ways to describe its definition. The partial definition of the word as an “energetic effort” certainly stood out because of its close association with the word “care.”

To show or use diligence at a high level,…

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Fairness…how does one teach it?

How can we teach the concept of fairness to students? It’s hard for adults to understand sometimes, too. Michelle Hunt, an elementary school teacher, shared the following activity she did with her students.

“When I was student teaching in third grade,…

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Guest Column: Fairness

Fairness is an abstract quality that requires you to have an amalgamation of many other character traits, including taking responsibility for your own actions, being honest and sincere, portraying trustworthiness between you and your peers, and many more. To simplify this rather abstract concept,…

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