PACE Partner of the Month


The PACE leadership team would like recognize Tekoa School District as the Partner of the Month for March.
Tekoa recognizes students for having good character though monthly elementary assemblies. Quarterly, high school students are honored and student body officers facilitate character activities regularly; they also have a “Golden Rule Committee”. Students recently completed a Great Kindness Challenge in the high school. Students are also recognized with “Caught in the Act” certificates when peers or teachers see great character in action. Below, student Madi Kalmes is pictured during her presentation to the school board about her project “Keys to Kindness” and “you can sit with us” campaign.
Madi project
From elementary students to high school activities to the school board, Tekoa School District truly incorporates character education at all levels.
Thank you, Tekoa Schools, for being a PACE Partner and living – and teaching –  good character everyday.