Guest Column: Caring

Caring is something we see every day. It can be defined as “showing a genuine concern for the welfare of others and being a kind, supportive helper.” But for something that seems so present, so easy to perform, why do we often feel that no one cares?…

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Guest Column: Diligence

To be consistent at anything in life, the characteristic of diligence must be present! To care and act as such, one must have diligence at a foundational level. This characteristic has multiple ways to describe its definition. The partial definition of the word as an “energetic effort” certainly stood out because of its close association with the word “care.”

To show or use diligence at a high level,…

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Guest Column: Diligence

 In life, rarely is anything worth having easily or immediately achieved. Sure, you may experience an immediate reward from time to time—winning the lottery is the obvious example here—but you did not do much, if anything, to earn that reward….

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Guest Column: Diligence


To be consistent at anything in life, the characteristic of diligence must be present! To care and act as such, one must have diligence at a foundational level. This characteristic has multiple ways to describe its definition….

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Guest Column: President Lincoln’s Legacy: Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Example

“If people believe in your word, then the opportunity to make a difference is enhanced.”

When casually asked to define an “honest person” the logical response is, “It’s someone who tells the truth.” But when honesty is revered as a character trait we need to go beyond a simple definition and ask: What attributes do we expect of someone who walks down an honest path the days of his/her life?…

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