Guest Column: Integrity


Famous 1970s pop singer Jackson Brown once advised others to “live so that when your children think of caring, fairness and integrity, they think of you.”

The definition of “integrity” is the “quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.” The origin of the word integrity is integrate. …

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Guest Column: Trustworthiness

Learning to Trust
“Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends.” – Eminem
“Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.” –…

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Guest Column: Diligence

Baseball is a game of failure. Hall of Fame hitters fail 70% of the time. However, players don’t see it that way. They see baseball success as the great mountain that needs to be conquered. They revel in the little battles and the opportunity to overcome adversity….

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Guest Column: President Lincoln’s Legacy: Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Example

“If people believe in your word, then the opportunity to make a difference is enhanced.”

When casually asked to define an “honest person” the logical response is, “It’s someone who tells the truth.” But when honesty is revered as a character trait we need to go beyond a simple definition and ask: What attributes do we expect of someone who walks down an honest path the days of his/her life?…

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Guest Column: Are you playing fair?

“Fairness always begins with the right attitude toward others.”

As I pulled on my striped shirt and adjusted my hat prior to walking onto CenturyLink Field, I was thinking about two of the players on the Seattle Seahawks football team….

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Guest Column: Caring

Whitworth University has been a PACE partner since its inception. Every September, classes at this university are cancelled for the better part of a day in order for students to take part in service projects throughout the community….

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Guest Column: Caring

Whitworth University has been a PACE partner since its inception. Every September, classes at this university are cancelled for the better part of a day in order for students to take part in service projects throughout the community….

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Guest Column: Citizenship

The PACE character trait for November is citizenship. Citizenship is often thought of in two ways. The first way people may think of citizenship is one’s legal status of being a citizen of a country. In looking at citizenship in this way,…

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Guest Column: Respect

Respect can mean a lot of things in a lot of different situations. As an athlete, respect comes into play in every aspect of a sport. Playing in a game or match, practicing, communicating with your teammates and coaches,…

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Guest Column: Generosity

Living a life with a generous heart is something we are always encouraging families, children and others to do. The news, social media and print advertising are also encouraging us to give generously. So what does living generously even entail?…

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Guest Column: Integrity

The Internet definition of integrity is: “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” Another source identifies integrity as: ‘The characteristic of behaving and thinking congruently with one’s personal values and beliefs. Put another way,…

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Guest Column: Courage

The May PACE Character Trait is Courage:  displaying integrity in spite of obstacles and challenges.

Courage.  What a powerful word! What do you think of when you hear the word courage?  Possibly a firefighter rushing into a burning building to save the person trapped inside with no concern for their own safety? …

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