The West Plains PACE Awards are an opportunity to honor and celebrate students who demonstrate the importance of good character.

Please select one student from your school to be honored for their good character.

The West Plains PACE Awards will be hosted on May 12th, 7:00-8:30 a.m., in Eastern Washington University’s Hargreaves Hall.

School representatives, please enter the information for your student honorees below.  Complete this form and submit the student’s photo by April 12.


2023 West Plains PACE Awards Honorees

  • Click below for options list.
  • I confirm we (PACE and our school district) have permission and/or a release to publish this student's name and photo in print media, online, and on social media in connection with his/her PACE Award. (i.e. the student has not opted out of photo releases for the school.)
  • Two complimentary guest tickets will be provided for each student. Please contact Kelley Hinrichs at to purchase additional guest tickets.
  • Please answer one of the following: Why is having good character important? What is your favorite PACE character trait? Why? (Please keep this short - we may have to edit drastically for space. Quotes will be used in awards program and on social media.)
  • Tell us about your student and describe how they demonstrate good character. This will be printed, albeit likely edited, in the PACE Awards Program.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg.
    Please upload a good quality photo (at least 20 KB) of the student. Please first change the photo file name to include the student's name (bonus points for including your school acronym, too. e.g. GMSBillieEilish.jpg).
  • Three complimentary tickets are available per school for school staff. Please contact Kelley Hinrichs at to purchase additional staff tickets.