Guest Column from West Plains: Integrity

Each month The Current supports Partners Advancing Character Education (PACE) by publishing a guest column connected to one of PACE Character Traits. For the month of June it is Integrity, which is living a set of values encompassing honesty, respect for others,…

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Guest Column: Diligence

I am at the tail-end of what can only be described as excruciating rehabilitation process. For those who do not know, I broke my ankle just 8 months ago and to think I would be able to return to play in such a short amount of time was seemingly only a wishful thought back then….

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Guest Column: Diligence

Baseball is a game of failure. Hall of Fame hitters fail 70% of the time. However, players don’t see it that way. They see baseball success as the great mountain that needs to be conquered. They revel in the little battles and the opportunity to overcome adversity….

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