West Plains Guest Column: Courage

Courage is having the strength to persevere even when times are tough. Being bold despite what others may think or say, courage is a trait that brings new opportunities for change every single day. I am Mayah Eberhardt, quiet in beginning of new situations and friendships but exuberant once time has passed….

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Good Character Reading!

Spokane County Library Suggests…
May Reading List

Courage: Displaying integrity in spite of obstacles and challenges


Gittel’s Journey: an Ellis Island Story / Lesléa Newman (2019)
A Little Bit Brave / Nicola Kinnear (2020)
Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave / Jessica Hische (2018)
Get Me Out of This Book: Rules and Tools for Being Brave / Kalli Dakos (2019)

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Guest Column: Diligence

Exploring Commitment vs Goals: The Power of Persistence, Dedication and Hard Work

Mike Nilson looked out across the room and, quoting Dr. John Berardi, started with a simple premise, “We overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a year.”  Mike,…

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PACE Character Cords for Grads

Outstanding Seniors Honored with PACE Character Cords

Graduation day for more than 250 seniors in the Class of 2020 included visible recognition of their outstanding character. Along with their cap and gown, these students were proudly wearing a PACE Character Cord,…

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Guest Column: Fairness

Fairness in the Courtroom?
In life there are few places you will visit in which your desire for fairness is more sincere than when you open the heavy, oak doors, to a courtroom. As much as we expect the aroma of roasted,…

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Guest Column: Caring

Caring is something we see every day. It can be defined as “showing a genuine concern for the welfare of others and being a kind, supportive helper.” But for something that seems so present, so easy to perform, why do we often feel that no one cares?…

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Character Moments for Families – Citizenship

Below are three easy ideas to stimulate family conversation and activity to explore character concepts, aligned with your child’s school PACE character education program.

November – Citizenship
Positively contributing to society and community as well as dutifully respecting authority and the law

  • TALK – use this prompt to start a conversation with your family about this month’s character trait:
    How can we show citizenship at home,
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Guest Column: Citizenship

The definition of citizenship is the status of a citizen with its duties, rights, and privileges. When I hear the word citizenship, I immediately think of what it means to be part of the economy. The economy is a broad topic….

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