Character Moments for Families – December

Below are three easy ideas to stimulate family conversation and activity to explore character concepts, aligned with your child’s school PACE character education program.

December – Caring
Positively contributing to society and community as well as dutifully respecting authority and the law

  • TALK – use this prompt to start a conversation with your family about this month’s character trait:
    How do you show care for those around you?
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Guest Column: Caring

Caring by by Kaidy Lidstone-Koffel, East Valley Middle School Student

Caring is when you support others. You show people caring when you help them with their work. If someone drops something like papers in a hallway you should always see if they need help and if so,…

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December: Good Character Reading!

Spokane County Library Suggests …
Caring Reading List


A Map Into the World / Kao Kalia Yang
Our Class is a Family / Shannon Olsen
Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light / Apryl Stott
Sticks and Stones / Patricia Polacco
The Buddy Bench / Patty Brozo
Tiny T….

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Guest Column: Citizenship

The Braveries of Citizenship by Aisha Abdurhuman

Practicing citizenship is vital to being a good citizen, but it takes a lot of bravery. It harbors many responsibilities, and in order to meet those, citizens must see beyond themselves as individuals and meet the needs of society,…

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Posters, Banners and Graphics – Oh My!

Banners and graphics are available to display the the traits of the month in your school, home or business. These can be printed or inserted into newsletters or social media.

We are in to process of designing new monthly posters,…

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Guest Column: Respect

My wife and I have five children ages 8 and under. As parents, we often consider what we are teaching our children. One evening while we sat at the dinner table trying to begin our meal, most of our kids were misbehaving….

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Guest Column: Generosity


By Jason Long and the Team at NorthBridge Church.

Generosity is an incredibly important character trait. Everyone gets on board when you talk about being generous. Most of us love to give, it is part of our DNA….

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Valley Guest Column: Integrity by Nora Vralsted-Thomas, NEWESD

Integrity receives a lot of lip service in contemporary times. Integrity might be referenced in the actions of statesmen. Integrity might also be celebrated through the actions of individuals faced with moral dilemmas in wartime. But integrity can also refer to the actions of organizations that recognize and seek to address past wrongs….

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West Plains Guest Column: Courage

Courage is having the strength to persevere even when times are tough. Being bold despite what others may think or say, courage is a trait that brings new opportunities for change every single day. I am Mayah Eberhardt, quiet in beginning of new situations and friendships but exuberant once time has passed….

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Good Character Reading!

Spokane County Library Suggests…
May Reading List

Courage: Displaying integrity in spite of obstacles and challenges


Gittel’s Journey: an Ellis Island Story / Lesléa Newman (2019)
A Little Bit Brave / Nicola Kinnear (2020)
Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave / Jessica Hische (2018)
Get Me Out of This Book: Rules and Tools for Being Brave / Kalli Dakos (2019)

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